Added to Resources Page: Whale, John S. The Heretics of the Church and Recurring Heresies: Montanus, 1934
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Montanist Chronology (PDF)
We conclude then, as follows, as to the origin and character of Montanism : I. That it was neither the individual theory propounded by a man, nor the reflection of any past manifestation, whether Jewish or Heathen; but a simple reaction towards the primitive simplicity of Christianity, with a claim to the fulfilment of distinct promises from Christ to His Spiritual…
CHAPTER V THE STRUGGLE FOR A PURE CHURCH THIS degeneration in the church, whose stages we traced in the preceding chapter, was a gradual process, whose completion occupied several centuries. It did not occur without resistance, determined, prolonged, and frequently renewed. Many attempts were made at a reformation of the church, a return to the…