John De Soyres Montanist Chronology
Montanist Chronology (PDF)
Montanist Chronology (PDF)
We conclude then, as follows, as to the origin and character of Montanism : I. That it was neither the individual theory propounded by a man, nor the reflection of any past manifestation, whether Jewish or Heathen; but a simple reaction towards the primitive simplicity of Christianity, with a claim to the fulfilment of distinct promises from Christ to His Spiritual…
The following paragraphs are excerpts from Tertullian’s work, Concerning Baptism, written some time in the late second or early third century. It is almost certain that Tertullian authored this work before he became a Montanist.1See for a suggested chronology This is significant because it means that the practice of dipping/immersing repentant converts did not originate primarily from…